
This is my code. There is a lot like it, but this is mine.

SSH session multiplexer


This script opens a SSH session to each host passed as argument in a separate pane in a new window in Tmux, and then synchronizes the input on all panes in the window. So, in short, this script works similarly to the ClusterSSH utility but in a Tmux session and without leaving the command line.

Just pass each host as an argument to the script or, if your hosts are numbered, you can use a range expansion, like this:

ssh-multi.sh myhost-{1..5}.example.com

In that case, you’ll notice that the window name will take the form myhost-X-example-com.

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# Copyright 2019 eth0 <ethernet.zero@gmail.com>
# This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the COPYING-gpl3 file for more details.
# ssh-multi : a script to ssh multiple servers over multiple tmux panes with
#             with all panes syncronized.
# Based on olsonbg   : bin/ssh-multi.sh @ https://github.com/olsonbg/dotfiles
# Based on nomad-fr  : https://github.com/nomad-fr/scripts-systems
# Based on D.Kovalov work : https://gist.github.com/dmytro/3984680


usage() {
	[[ -n "$*" ]] && echo -e "$*\n"
	echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") host host host…"

window_name() {
	local name="${1//./-}"
	local result=''
	local length
	local i
	for host in "$@"; do
		for (( i = 0; i < length; i++ )); do
			if [[ "${host:i:1}" == "${name:i:1}" ]]; then
	echo "$name"

starttmux() {
	local hosts=("$@")
	local launchedtmux=0

	echo "Hosts: ${hosts[*]}"

	local window="ssh-multi_$$"
	window="$(window_name "${hosts[@]}")"

	if [[ -z "$TMUX" ]]; then  # If we're not in a tmux session, create one
		tmux -u new-session -d -s "${session}" -n "${window}" ssh "${hosts[0]}"
	else # Get session name of current tmux session.
		session="$(tmux display-message -p '#S')"
		echo "Session: $session"

		existing_windows="$(tmux list-windows -t "${session}" -F '#W' | grep -Ec "^${window}\$")"
		(( existing_windows > 0 )) && window="$(( existing_windows + 1 ))_${window}"
		echo "Window: $window"

		tmux new-window -n "${window}" ssh "${hosts[0]}"

	tmux select-pane -T "${hosts[0]%%.*}"
	tmux set-window-option -t "${session}:${window}" pane-border-status top
	tmux set-window-option -t "${session}:${window}" pane-border-format '[#{?pane_active,#[reverse],} #{pane_index}: #{pane_title} #[default]]'
	unset 'hosts[0]';
	sleep 1

	for i in "${hosts[@]}"; do
		echo "Host: $i (${session}:${window})"
		tmux split-window -t "${session}:${window}" -h "ssh $i"
		tmux select-pane -T "${i%%.*}"

	tmux select-layout -t "${session}:${window}" tiled
	tmux select-pane -t "${session}:${window}"
	tmux set-window-option -t "${session}:${window}"  synchronize-panes on

	# Setup complete. If we were already inside a tmux session, then we should
	# be on the newly created window with synchronized panes, otherwise, we
	# need to connect to the new tmux session.
	if (( launchedtmux == 1 )); then
		tmux a -dt "${session}"

checkopt() {
	if [[ -z "$*" ]]; then
		usage "Please provide a list of hosts."
		return 1

	return 0

checkopt "$@" || exit 1
starttmux "$@"