
This is my code. There is a lot like it, but this is mine.

Google Cloud RDP


This script eases the process of opening RDP connections to Windows compute instances in Google Cloud Platform. It uses the gcloud client to fetch the data it needs to initiate the connection, so you should first set up Google Cloud SDK in your machine.

The script needs the name of the instance to which you want to open an RDP session. It also needs to know in what project is that instance. You can pass a partial match for the project ID as the second parameter.

Each time you use this script to open an RDP connection to an instance, it will reset the Windows password of your user in that instance automatically.

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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# gcloud-rdp.sh
# Copyright 2019 eth0 <ethernet.zero@gmail.com>
# This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
# the ISC License. See the COPYING file for more details.

[[ -n "$2" ]] && project="$(gcloud projects list --filter="project_id:('*${2}*')" --format="value(project_id)")"
[[ -z "$project" ]] && project="$(gcloud projects list --format="value(project_id)" | head -n 1)"

gcloud_user="$(gcloud auth list --filter="active" --format="value(account.split('@').slice(0))")"
gcloud_user="$(sed 's/[^a-z0-9]/_/g' <<< "$gcloud_user")"
read -ra instance_data < <(gcloud compute --project "$project" instances list --filter="name=$instance_name" --format="value(name,networkInterfaces[0].networkIP,zone.scope())")

instance_pass="$(gcloud compute --project "$project" reset-windows-password "$instance_name" --zone "${instance_data[2]}" --quiet 2>/dev/null | awk '/^password:/{print $2}')"

cat <<EOF
Opening RDP connection:

    User: $gcloud_user
    Instance: $instance_name
    Address: ${instance_data[1]}
    Zone/region: ${instance_data[2]}


xfreerdp +clipboard +fonts /gdi:hw /u:"$gcloud_user" /dynamic-resolution -grab-keyboard /p:"$instance_pass" /v:"${instance_data[1]}"