
This is my code. There is a lot like it, but this is mine.

Sshuttle firewall rules cleaner for iptables


Sometimes you’re working with a SSH tunnel using the sshuttle utility and the tunnel is abruptly closed. You may have been disconnected from the network, or changed from one network to another, for example connecting to a VPN; you could have sshuttle running in a terminal window and you closed it by accident, or it may have been killed for whatever reason.

In those cases, sshuttle wouldn’t have had a chance to clean the firewall rules that it created. If you’re not aware of that, you’ll see that trying to open a new SSH session anywhere will result in a connection refused error. That’s because the leftover firewall rules are trying to redirect your SSH connections to a port in your own machine that’s no longer open.

This script takes care of removing those rules. Mind you, this version only works for Linux, since it only cleans iptables rules.

Finally, you can pass the argument noop to the script to only view what rules would be removed without touching anything.

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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# clean-sshuttle-rules.sh
# Copyright 2020 eth0 <ethernet.zero@gmail.com>
# This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
# the ISC License.

if [[ "$(id -u)" != 0 ]]; then
	exec sudo "$0" "$@"

[[ "$1" == noop ]] && noop=1

readarray -t rules < <(
	iptables-save \
		| grep 'j sshuttle' \
		| grep -vf <(ss -plant | awk '/sshuttle/{split($4, a, ":"); print "sshuttle-" a[2]}') \
		| sed 's/^-A/-D/g'

echo "Cleaning ${#rules[@]} iptables rules${noop+ (not really)}"

if [[ -z "$noop" ]]; then
	(( ${#rules[@]} > 0 )) && echo
	for r in "${rules[@]}"; do
		echo "$r"
		iptables -t nat $r
	(( ${#rules[@]} > 0 )) && echo

readarray -t chains < <(
	iptables-save \
		| grep ':sshuttle' \
		| awk '{print $1}' \
		| cut -d: -f2 \
		| grep -vf <(ss -plant | awk '/sshuttle/{split($4, a, ":"); print "sshuttle-" a[2]}')

echo "Removing ${#chains[@]} iptables chains${noop+ (not really)}"

if [[ -z "$noop" ]]; then
	(( ${#chains[@]} > 0 )) && echo
	for i in "${chains[@]}"; do
		echo "$i"
		iptables -t nat -F $i
		iptables -t nat -X $i
	(( ${#chains[@]} > 0 )) && echo